Tron to return in 2011

Mikey 1 comment
Tron to return in 2011

Nerds rejoice. Disney has plans to release a 3D sequel to the 25 year old classic. Joseph Kosinski is reported to be directing and Lost writers Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz are to write the script.

It's another movie to get excited about but don't hold your breath, as we won't be seeing it in theatres until 2011.

For me Tron holds a very personal significance that goes way back to when I was a young teenager. It was the movie that made me see computers as more than just a platform for playing games, and the reason I am in my current career.


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Jim- Just a Guy

Wednesday 5th March 2008 | 12:05 PM

I can not wait to see what they do. They have to be real careful with this one. So many people have fallen in love with this movie over the years and we all know that geeks have a loud voice. Star Wars fans hate Star Wars, Tron fans love Tron. You can screw up something that is already highly debated even amongst tis own fans. You can not afford to screw up something fans just flat out love.

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