Next Harry Potter movie to be split

Mikey 7 comments
Next Harry Potter movie to be split

The next Harry Potter movie based on the seventh and final novel will be split up into two separate movies, titled Deathly Hallows 1 and Deathly Hallows 2. The movies will be released 2010 and 2011 respectively.

I'm still yet to see a Harry Potter movie (yeah. I'm that guy) as I have never seen anything in the trailers that interests me. They combine my most hated combination for a film - teenagers and wizardry/fantasy.

Anyway my thought aside, the news is being reported here with some more revelations.

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Jim-Just a Guy

Friday 14th March 2008 | 06:23 AM

I read a few of the books and lost interest. I saw the movies and was not impressed. However I have a girlfriend here that loves the books. When I told her this she got mad. She said "It's the only one you could do in one movie. With all the sh** they left out of the other movies this one is straightforward and could easily be done in one movie."


I love the woman. I don't understand the Harry Potter craze. I never will.

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Kim OJ

Friday 14th March 2008 | 06:47 AM

2 movies = twice as much money
And if you were not upset enough about having wasted your money before, you get to be twice as upset this time. It's a win win!

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Friday 14th March 2008 | 06:48 AM

My partner is a Harry Potter nut as well. She has read all the books more than once and owns all the DVD's. I don't get it either LOL.

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Jim-Just a Guy

Friday 14th March 2008 | 07:05 AM

Does she know the author said Dumbledore is gay?

I found it funny because Harry Potter fans I have talked to seem shocked and refuse to believe it.

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Friday 14th March 2008 | 08:44 PM

Well, I'm a pretty big Potter fan myself (no, it's not the only book I've read - I've read tons more than your regular teenager though lately PC has been getting more attention than my good ol' paper-and-cover friends) and I figured some time ago that Dumbledore's gay. Never bothered me tho. I hate the movies tho. They're as bad as they can be (especially the last 2, 3. at least had something interesting and first two were aimed especially towards children). First 3 Potter games had the special Potter aura and although they were dead-easy they were also fun and interesting for a Potter fan, 4. was boring bullshit and 5. pretty much the same (review sites gave them more points, but hey - who's dumb enough to base their opinion on some sites and payed reviewers?).

Now, seriously, what's to "get it"? It's either you like it - or you don't. That's all there is to get. The thing with potter is that it combines just the things children like - fantasy aimed towards children and other children. Also Hogwarts is like representation of some family kind of thing. Another home, if you will. It's also easy to read for kiddies (Rowling's English is pretty basic) and imo also for grown-ups (can't really compare to Faulkner or Woolf, now can we :P ).

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Monday 7th April 2008 | 02:53 AM

i think Harry is sssssssssssoooooooooooooo cuteoooooooo i wiill never ever blieve that he is gay and if think he is gay think again cuz u know what Zac efron is so there

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Tuesday 29th April 2008 | 08:25 AM

Look i have seen all harry potter movies to date... i think they are great for the target audience and even people with an open mind and for most men is just not going to happen... i myself can not wait for the final 2 movies.... and for a guy who enjoys using my imagination i think that the director has done well with what he had.... sit back and enjoy dont destroy something you dont understand... ty and peace out

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