eBay bans digital sales

Mikey 4 comments
eBay bans digital sales

Effective a few days ago (March 31st to be precise), eBay banned the sale of digital goods on it's auction site. Digital goods includes ebooks, mp3's, PDF files and anything else that can be sent to the buyer via a download link.

Apparently selling digital goods (which are technically in unlimited supply for the seller) can easily screw with the listings and also be used to manipulate the feedback rating system. Brian Burke, eBay's Director in Trust & Safety manager has answered questions regarding the ban here.

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Thursday 3rd April 2008 | 10:46 PM

So...does that include virtual girlfriends? hahah

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Friday 4th April 2008 | 05:52 AM

That is a punch in the face, I buy most of my games from eBay which include a link to download the software, cd keys etc. It is significantly cheaper than any games store I know of.

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Sunday 11th May 2008 | 09:36 PM

Instead of getting rid of the sellers they say are manipulating their feedback...they also got rid of a lot of hard working, legal sellers of desired, well produced eBooks. This really isn't their issue....... I had a store closed while following their new policy of selling CDs, just becuase since I additionally sent a free copy of the information via email while they awaiting their physical CD. eBay staff work from scripts when they close your store, won't discuss, just cut you off no notice. They told me in the phone call that the reason they only allow CD sales versus digital delivery was a copyright issue. My question to them was how can these 2 be different! Very difficult to work with eBay, no direct contacts, fully scripted responses, I'm just sick about this! I had over 8 years sales with 100% feedback, powerseller!

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john haskins

Sunday 25th May 2008 | 06:24 PM

Just forget eBay. Not much point in kidding yourself they will come to their senses. They own eBay, they set the rules. Nothing wrong with that. So it leaves us with no platform to sell our goods. Well that is how it was when I started.

If you want to make your living now in the net then do some work, build a site and market it. This will give you a much better living than eBay ever did.

I had a good living from this method 8 years ago. I then started selling on eBay at very good prices, then after some years the prices dropped and I was in trouble. So I rebuilt my websites and soon got back to better times.

This is not difficult to do. Just takes some hard work. If you would like some help to do this just contact me from one of my sites and I can help. A lot of my help will be free, so this is not me trying to get money from anyone.

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