Drowning prevention program for infants

Mikey 1 comment
  • Education
Drowning prevention program for infants

This is an astonishing video, and if you're a parent it is hard to watch. ISR (Infant Swimming Resource) is a certified drowning prevention technique designed to help toddlers stay afloat in the event they fall into water. The ISR mission is "to get to the next child before that child gets to the water".

Speaking as a parent, I suggest you do watch this video. At the very least it might be prompt to action to get your own kids into a similar program.

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Sunday 6th April 2008 | 09:47 PM

As the proud dad of 2 (nearly) 3 bouncing baby boys this stuff is amazing! Truely amazing. Incredibly important for a country such as Australia where there are so many pools and we are surrounded by water.

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