Microsoft calls girl a thief for wanting her Xbox back

Mikey 4 comments
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Microsoft calls girl a thief for wanting her Xbox back

Ah bureaucracy, where would we be without you? I think we would all be in a lot happier place. Due to a lousy internal policy and a shipping problem, Microsoft won't return Tiffany's Xbox because they reckon she stole it, even though when she sent it in for repair she provided her original receipt and credit card statement.

The crazy part is that Microsoft have already tried to send it back to her but because she wasn't at home to sign for it, FedEX sent to back to Microsoft instead of the shipping centre. So somewhere along the line Microsoft decided that she was a thief and not entitled to get her console back ever again.

More than 10 phone calls later and support staff eventually admitted their hands were tied. Tiffany has sent a letter to Microsoft's legal team and the Vice President of Consumer Affairs but 22 days have passed without any feedback.


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Sunday 20th April 2008 | 11:00 AM

how can they say she stole it when they tried to send it back to her?

could be a case of too many chiefs, or the right hand doesn't know what left hand is doing..

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Nate >.>

Sunday 20th April 2008 | 06:54 PM response to this comment by andrew. Or a case of "give with one hand and take with the other".

Sounds like Micro$oft.

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Sunday 20th April 2008 | 07:19 PM

Or maybe they realised that they screwed up and are too lazy (or cheap) to do something about it, so make up some lame excuse putting their customer at fault

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Nate >.>

Sunday 20th April 2008 | 09:14 PM response to this comment by Gong. Whoa've cracked the elaborate scheme that is Micro$oft Marketing!


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