Lucas is keen on Indy V

Mikey 6 comments
Lucas is keen on Indy V

Indy IV hasn't even hit cinemas yet but Mr Lucas is already talking about making more Indy films with Mutt Williams (Indy's son) as the lead character. In this authors humble opinion, it's the stuff dreams are made of. Said George Lucas:

"I haven’t even told Steven or Harrison this...But I have an idea to make Shia the lead character next time and have Harrison come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out."

Harrison Ford says he would consider Indy V and Steven Spielberg once said he wouldn't rule it out.

And there was much rejoice!


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Sunday 18th May 2008 | 01:32 PM

As long as there's no pod-racer scene, I suppose it should be OK.

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Sunday 18th May 2008 | 01:51 PM

hey with the supernatural theme to the indy movies, mabey V could have some cgi ghosts that resebmble the loveable jar jar. i think that would be a winner

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The Movie Whore

Sunday 18th May 2008 | 01:56 PM

I got mixed feelings on this one. Carrying over a franchise to a new character. Sounds kind of iffy. Sounds like you are trust trying to milk it for everything you could get out of it.

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Sunday 18th May 2008 | 02:10 PM

There can be only one

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The Movie Whore

Sunday 18th May 2008 | 02:13 PM

No that's Highlander. However good example. They go from Lambert to Adrian Paul and WOW! What a difference. You can see the hesitation now in wanting to see the continuation with some one else.

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Monday 19th May 2008 | 12:06 AM

same thing with terminator 4

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