Parent of the year?

Mikey 7 comments
Parent of the year?

If more parents took this approach, it might help prevent their kids from heading down the wrong path. Some kids deserve it more than others though. But we can all agree there are a lot worse punishments, and in this case the alternative might have seen the boy up on an assault charge.

Some people are calling Beatrice Dixon 'Mum of the year' for dishing out this form of public humiliation to her douchebag son who assaulted a classmate.

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Wednesday 4th June 2008 | 08:57 AM

His mum naming him "Montavius" is punishment enough.

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Gina Squitieri

Wednesday 4th June 2008 | 12:22 PM

Kudos to that mom.

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Wednesday 4th June 2008 | 05:47 PM

more parents should take notice...

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Wednesday 4th June 2008 | 07:56 PM response to this comment by Gary. agreed.

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Joe Marco

Thursday 5th June 2008 | 12:52 PM

So much for wanting an i-pod, watch that kid sue apple. "Dear sirs, for want of your product I bullied another and was publicly humiliated, therefore in retaliation and compensation for damages sustained I demand an i-pod"

And then his mama is gonna whoop him! no sign only belt.

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Thursday 5th June 2008 | 10:05 PM

hahaha Great find on this article. If anyone can remember being that young I would be willing to be that is one of the most effective punishments ever! HAHA that kid was crying to the cop in the begining!!!

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Friday 6th June 2008 | 03:06 PM

clearly that child was not beaten enough at a young age...

momma needs to get that wooden spoon out....

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