Oliver Stone is a funny man

Mikey 2 comments
Oliver Stone is a funny man

The official teaser poster is now out and about for Oliver Stones' upcoming movie about US President G.W. Bush. The movie, simply titled 'W', stars Josh Brolin as the president and based on what I'm seeing below, might have a comedic aspect to it.

Who knew Oliver Stone had a sense of humour?


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Monday 9th June 2008 | 05:54 PM

Damn that is hilarious!@!

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The Movie Whore

Tuesday 10th June 2008 | 03:45 AM

That is some priceless stuff.

You would think as Commander and Chief one would take better care to speak like an intelligent person rather than a total moron.

I think our president would greatly benefit form attending Toastmasters International.


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