How the brain works: Awesome illusions

Mikey 6 comments
How the brain works: Awesome illusions

Just when I thought I had seen all these illusions, I am sent what is easily the most insane illusions I have really ever seen.

This video has a few good ones, but the most impressive is around 1minute and 5 seconds in.


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Marvin The Martian

Tuesday 24th June 2008 | 03:57 PM

That was sweet. I love those types of tricks. It's amazing how your mind fills in the conceptual gaps.

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Tuesday 24th June 2008 | 08:18 PM

yeah i like these types of illusions...

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Nate >.>

Wednesday 25th June 2008 | 08:15 AM

That one with the two supposedly separate nuts, that was weird :-)

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Gina Squitieri

Wednesday 25th June 2008 | 12:55 PM

I've seen that video before and I still don't understand how the brain works. haha

Here's one I find absolutely just as fascinating (it's using a simple mask of Charlie Chaplan's face:

(NOTE the changes in the lighting as the mask turns, which clearly helps make the illusion. It's amazing. Got one more.........)

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Gina Squitieri

Wednesday 25th June 2008 | 01:01 PM


(Optical illusion... it's so cool.)

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Thursday 26th June 2008 | 02:05 AM

bill nye rocks

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