Guinness officially acknowledges Firefox world record

Mikey 10 comments
Guinness officially acknowledges Firefox world record

Anyone who knows me also knows I don't need much prodding to pimp Firefox, but this news is worthy of a post anyway (not that my other Firefox stories weren't!).

Guinness has officially acknowledged Mozilla as the record holder for "largest number of software downloads in 24 hours", which incidentally is 8,002,530 downloads for Firefox 3. That's 8,002,530 very happy people not including the Mozilla staff. It's nice to know I account for at least 10 of that total as well :-)

If the Guinness web site wasn't the unusable piece of crap that is is I would have provided a link to the record, but the news on the Mozilla page is proof enough anyway.

Don't forget to generate your gimmicky custom PDF certificate here.

Firefox Certificate

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Gina Squitieri

Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 07:20 AM

I wish we could use it at work--"it's not supported." (Why not?) I love not having to open a new browser for each and every site I visit.

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Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 07:41 AM response to this comment by Gina Squitieri. I feel your pain. Give Firefox Portable a shot.

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Gina Squitieri

Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 08:10 AM

If it's downloaded on my computer, tech guys in my office see it -- they spy.

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Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 08:23 AM response to this comment by Gina Squitieri. Ha! Those bastards! There's a way around that. Download it at home. Put it on a thumbdrive. Portable Firefox doesn't have to be installed. You can run it from anything you can put it on.

Then take it to work and plug it into any available USB port on your computer. The spys should be none the wiser.

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Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 08:40 AM

Hopefully they haven't glued up the USB ports like some places! hahah

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Gina Squitieri

Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 08:56 AM response to this comment by Mikey. ha! You crack me up.

No, I'm not going to do that, because as I said, they spy. I don't even go on Rustylime at the office. Nope, I save it all up during the day where I must sit and be quiet and "Oh, may I hang that up for you? Your personality? Now?" And that's okay, because that's what makes coming here so much fun-ner. ;0)

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Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 08:57 AM response to this comment by Gina Squitieri. Haha cool. But if you ever do try it and you get sprung I will deny having put the idea in your head :-)

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Gina Squitieri

Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 09:30 AM

Deny it all you want, but I've already printed this page. haha!

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Thursday 3rd July 2008 | 09:31 AM


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Monday 7th July 2008 | 06:30 AM


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