In chess no one can hear you scream

Mikey 3 comments
In chess no one can hear you scream

As far as themed chess sets go, none have really grabbed my attention except for 3Dimensional Star Trek chess set featured in the first ever episode of the sci-fi series and later released as an actual chess set.

But I have just been sent word of a new Alien themed set, and as a fan of H.R. Giger's art and the movie as well, this is something I would like to get my little alien paws on.

Technically there are 2 Alien themes here, Alien vs Predator and Alien vs Ripley and crew. I would prefer the latter as the AVP franchise is not my thing.

Anyway, as usual, things like this are priced accordingly, putting it way outside of any justifiable excuse to my CFO (wife :-). $US299 for the taking.

Alien Chess

Alien Chess

Alien Chess

Alien Chess


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Joe Marco

Monday 18th August 2008 | 03:20 PM

That is so bad ass...I'd get the predator one...with that said, Any friends or family reading this, you know how you always ask what I want for my birthday every year: How about all chipping in and buying me the predator Vs alien one.

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The Movie Whore

Tuesday 19th August 2008 | 12:33 PM

Forget about choosing I want both.

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Wednesday 20th August 2008 | 11:00 AM

gimme gimme gimme

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