Microsoft's latest TV advert, sans Seinfeld

Mikey 2 comments
Microsoft's latest TV advert, sans Seinfeld

Relax, apparently Jerry Seinfeld hasn't been dumped, but rather he's been shelved so Microsoft can launch 'Phase 2' of their $US300 million advertising campaign.

The first of phase 2 features a John Hodgman look-alike (the PC Guy from the Apple adverts) and I have to say, I much prefer the previous advert with Seinfeld. Not from an adverting perspective, because I think they failed in that regard, but because if it's quirkiness.

Anyway, here it is for better or worse, Microsoft's next advert.


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Friday 19th September 2008 | 03:48 PM

At least this one is an ad, not some kinda weird pointless video. This one is actually pimping Windows specifically too.

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The Computer Whisperer

Friday 19th September 2008 | 07:19 PM

This is cool. I like it. It gets a tad corny

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