Pepsi releases and apologies for iPhone app that denigrates women

Mikey 1 comment
Pepsi releases and apologies for iPhone app that denigrates women

Pepsis' free 'Amp Up before you score' iPhone application has drawn a lot of as it encourages men to share their sexual conquests online.

The app is basically an electronic wingman, giving you advice on what to say and how to act, all aimed at having - as the advert says - "a successful night" (interpret that as you will).

The apps states "Get lucky? Add her to your Brag List. You can include the name, date and whatever details you remembers. Keep your buddies in the loop on email, Facebook or Twitter."

Pepsi did apologise (on twitter of all places) but at this stage they have no plans to remove the app.

Watch the advert below and judge for yourself.

Jake Farr-Wharton

Jake Farr-Wharton

Wednesday 14th October 2009 | 09:20 AM
202 total kudos | 1 for this comment

Pft! If they had released one for ladies as well, it would be hailed... then again women don't have to be much more than available in order to conquire, men on the other hand need all the help they can get.

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