Facebook yanks a users vanity URL, and then sell it behind his back

Mikey no comments
Facebook yanks a users vanity URL, and then sell it behind his back

It turns out the powers that be at Facebook don't think they have enough bad PR to deal with, so they've decided to add a new sneaky underhanded deal to their repertoire.

User Harman Bajwa got an unexpected surprise from Facebook administration stating that his vanity URL Facebook.com/Harman violated the terms and conditions, being that you're not allowed to use a name that doesn't belong to you. So this is very strange given that Harman is his real name.

Facebook then promptly snatched his vanity URL and - get this - sold it behind his back to Harman International.

No comment from Facebook PR as of time of writing this, but no doubt they're either correcting the 'error' or in the middle of mechanising a fantastic excuse.

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