Alan Wake

Mikey 7 comments
Alan Wake

After recently being disillusioned with the current quality of video games, my faith in gaming has now been restored, and it comes in the name of an XBox 360 title called Alan Wake.

I first became aware of Alan Wake not long after the game was announced in 2005 (seriously) when developer Remedy Entertainment released a couple of attention grabbing trailers, and at that time the game was primarily being pimped exclusively for Windows Vista and XBox 360. Something happened along the way and the PC version (which was the version they demoed everywhere) was dumped to allow the small development team to focus all their attention on a single platform. The result is one of the most polished games you're likely to ever experience.

The trailers were (and still are) a breath of fresh air showing a game concept and story outside of the usual FPS and RPG fodder that seems to be constantly served up. I'm looking at you EA.

Set in the fictional backwoods town of Bright Falls, Alan Wake is a survival/rescue horror game which unfolds like a 'edge of your seat' television series, complete with the "Previously on Alan Wake" cut scenes that update you on the chapter you've just completed.

Alan Wake is a best selling author suffering from writers block and marital problems originating from his drinking, who is dragged along by his suffering wife to Bright Falls in an attempt to cleanse him.

Warning: Possible Spoiler in the next paragraph!

When Alice is kidnapped Alan begins a slow descent into madness during his rescue attempts, not really sure which parts of the experience are reality and which are just a dream. But as it turns out everything is happening exactly as he had written in one of his novels, except he doesn't remember ever writing it. Along the way you discover pieces of your manuscript which give clues to where you're going and what's happening. I won't say any more at risk of revealing too much, eccept to say the plot thickens and goes directions you don't expect.

Alan Wake

Nearly all of the game takes place during the night, which is the only time the enemies (The 'Taken') can make an appearance as they feed off the darkness and are sensitive to light. This makes the humble torch Alan's best weapon, and focusing it onto one of the Taken will render them momentarily unable to advance towards you. While they are in this state you can destroy them with one of the many weapons you've scavenged along the way, such a pistol, hunting rifle, shotgun, flare gun or flash bang.

Because light is the enemy of darkness, Alan can take safe haven in one of the few street lights he encounters. Though sometimes you need to get power to them by starting a generator, which makes for some scary encounters. I can tell you first hand that hearing the sound of approaching footsteps from behind while you frantically try to get a generator to start is easily one of the most frantic and hair raising gaming experiences I've ever had. The games pacing is perfect in that sense, and you nearly always feel like you're under threat.

Alan Wake

Alan Wake

The combination of light and traditional weapons gives Alan Wake a unique combat mechanic that suits the game perfectly. My only reservation is the lack of variation in the enemy and some overly repetitious combat, and I think if this game had a few hours shaved off, or if some of the travel time between checkpoints was shorter it might have been better. That said, Alan Wakes bad points are better than some other games good points.

You encounter many people during the game, all of which are very believable and something I didn't expect: care for their welfare. I guess this is what happens when you've got believable characters, stunning graphics and talented voice acting to sell the whole thing.

Alan Wake

Alan Wake

I have to take a paragraph here to mention the music. This game easily has the best music score ever conceived, perfectly suiting the game at the relevant moments. Just to name a few contributors; Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, David Bowie, Violet Indiana, and Poets of the Fall who contributed one track under their own name and two particularly stunning tunes under the moniker 'Old Gods of Asgard' (which will make sense if you play the game) with lyrics that tie in with the plot.

Alan Wake

But don't take my word on any of this. The critical response has been exemplary, with most reviews giving Alan Wake perfect or near perfect scores.

I however give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Trent Greguhn

Trent Greguhn

Saturday 31st July 2010 | 03:41 PM
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If this is more of your style as opposed to Mass Effect Mikey, then you should probably pick up Heavy Rain. Although there has been a little lapse in the video game market, the next three months are going to be amazing in video games-- Halo Reach, Fallout: New Vegas, Scott Pilgrim, Metroid: Other M.

I'm going to be so broke.

My friend has this game, I'm going to need to borrow it from him and give it a go.

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Saturday 31st July 2010 | 04:43 PM
235 total kudos response to this comment by Trent Greguhn. Yeah do that. It's more of an experience than a game. But the end all you want to do is talk about it with someone. Luckily there is downloadable bonus content which apparently extends it further. I will try that sometime.

Just got my paws on Red Dead Redemption - apparently it's awesome. I love the Western genre but have never seen a game that does it justice.

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Trent Greguhn

Trent Greguhn

Sunday 1st August 2010 | 06:37 AM
105 total kudos response to this comment by Mikey. Red Dead Redemption is addicting as all hell. I love that game, and it's nothing like the other Western genre games, this one is in an entirely different level of open endedness. I still can't believe you didn't enjoy Mass Effect 2, ha.

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Henk V

Sunday 1st August 2010 | 06:39 PM

I really cant understand guys your age playing PC games.. I have probably stated this before

shouldnt you guys know how to shoot or fish? surf or ski? rebuild cars?..

what could be more satisfying than getting physically smashed or killing things?

This generation is just...weird... so out of touch with nature. You know my ex wife could bead a pig with a big kicking short barrelled Mauser at 100 yards? Probably why I live a mile up the street, but that is another story.

I Kid you not, my mum can nail vermin on the property with long shelled @.2... she is 72.

and these guys spend their day playing doom or heretic variants... first person shooter has lost all its ring all of a sudden.



Monday 2nd August 2010 | 08:32 AM
235 total kudos | 1 for this comment response to this comment by Henk V. Hey there Henk,

We do have lives outside playing video games. It's just that this is hardly the place to write about what we caught when we went fishing or how big the waves were when we went surfing.

In my spare time I play with my daughters, swim at the beach, and fly planes - the real ones - not toys - although I'm still having lessons.

And as for indoor activities, sometimes gaming, sometimes designing, programming, movies and more stuff.

That said, as a 40 year old who is the sole provider for the family it's amazing I have any time for these activities at all.

Awesome that your Mon can shoot so well. We're not big on gun culture here in Australia - it's kind of a dumb thing over here. In fact most people here will go their whole lives without seeing a gun let alone actually holding one. The only time I've seen one is a Cop's sidearm.

At the end of the day you do what gives you the most enjoyment - don't worry about what others think of those activities.

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David S

Monday 2nd August 2010 | 01:10 PM

Henk, scientists have shown that killing someone in a video game causes the same parts of the brain to go off as when you actually kill someone. So in a way they are killing something.

With that being said, I go to the shooting range every Thursday night with my dad when I'm at home. I grew up around guns and am not a bad shot if I do say so myself. Hunting and especially fishing aren't really my thing though. I'd much rather go shoot trap or go shoot at some tin cans. As for surfing, I live in Minnesota so that's out but I have always wanted to try it. Ironically I am probably the worst skier you will ever see. I don't so much ski as roll down a hill most of the time. I don't rebuild cars in my garage, I fix computers.

The new generation does do a lot of different thing but you can't say they're a bad thing. I just so happen to be living proof that there can be a balance between new world and old world. I used to fix computers and electronics for a living and love playing video games. I'm also a backpacker and a survivalist. If the world heads in either direction in the future I'll be ready.



Tuesday 3rd August 2010 | 08:43 AM
235 total kudos response to this comment by Trent Greguhn. Email me your gamer tag

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