U.S. Millitary OK with murdering children

Mikey 11 comments
U.S. Millitary OK with murdering children

Seven children were killed during the planned attack against al-Qaida leader Abu Laith in Afghanistan. U.S. military knew children would be fatally harmed during the attack but considered it an acceptable loss. Even after the seven children and six others were killed it is still unknown if the Abu Laith is among the recovered bodies.

I wonder if it would still have been considered an acceptable loss had one of their own children been among the dead. I am sickened to write any more on this.

Full story.

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Thursday 21st June 2007 | 10:57 PM

you have to feel for the soldiers who killed the children, they have to follow orders. i am sure they would be sickened by it as well......

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Friday 22nd June 2007 | 12:14 AM

With no intention of starting another long arguement on Rusty, you have to also apportion a SHITLOAD of the blame to these people who surround themselves with children, to use as human shields. This has become a very common practice because certain groups have come to realise we find it distasteful to kill civilians, especially children, where as they do not.

Often forces will abort an attack to spare children's lives. I am not toing the US line here, nor am I condoning the action but if someone who is consistently attacking you surrounds himselves with children 24x7, you either get pummelled incessantly or fire back.

So sure, blame American commanders because they are guilty but don't forget that someone else put those kids in harms way for much more selfish reasons in the first place.

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Jake Farr-Wharton

Friday 22nd June 2007 | 08:30 AM

The US led invasion is exactly that, an invasion... of their basic human rights, their liberty, their free thought and will.

They've already put out the damn fire (a fire that they started), why are they now dancing on the ashes. Get out of the middle east, they are not US owned and yet they are US occupied.

Of course there is more depth to what they are doing there, but all that we hear about is murder and bombs. No matter how we feel about the way that they live their life, these people have every right to defend it. The US citizens would do the exact same thing if they were invaded. Frickin hypocrits!

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Friday 22nd June 2007 | 08:44 AM

Yes the purposely shield themselves with children but that doesn't make it OK to bomb away. What I don't understand is how they can get close enough to learn there were children on the target but couldn't take the precautions to avoid them.

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Saturday 23rd June 2007 | 07:45 PM

Jake Farr-Wharton
Friday 22nd June 2007 08:30:19
The US led invasion is exactly that, an invasion... of their basic human rights, their liberty, their free thought and will.

They've already put out the damn fire (a fire that they started), why are they now dancing on the ashes. Get out of the middle east, they are not US owned and yet they are US occupied.

Of course there is more depth to what they are doing there, but all that we hear about is murder and bombs. No matter how we feel about the way that they live their life, these people have every right to defend it. The US citizens would do the exact same thing if they were invaded. Frickin hypocrits!

I cant wait till your a GOD and you can sort ut all out for us.
My Hero- to be.
Its not that simple.
and while your Godding about can you sort out Aboriginal child abuse, that pisses me off no end.Seriously.

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7 of 9

Saturday 23rd June 2007 | 09:41 PM

The soldiers would have been following orders so it doesn't matter if they were 'OK with it' or not. We can all sit here and speculate as much as we want but none of us can imagine what its like to be the their situation. When it comes down to it I doubt any of the US soldiers are really fine with killing innocent people 'cause it just happens to be a terrible part of the job.

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Saturday 23rd June 2007 | 10:36 PM

How fortunate are we to sit in judgement of those a world away.

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7 of 9

Saturday 23rd June 2007 | 10:49 PM

Yes we are lucky to be so far away. In the authors defence I think hes implying by the title that murder is murder whether you are ordered to do it or if you did it on purpose. Its easy for officials to conjure up terms like 'acceptable loss' to make it easier to bare but again its easy to judge from way back here.

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7 of 9

Saturday 23rd June 2007 | 10:51 PM

And great site by the way. is it always this hardcore?

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Jake Farr-Wharton

Monday 25th June 2007 | 10:27 AM

I'm on it G/H/Gilly, though in the mean time, can you get your god on to the job, I don't think she's really done anything since she apparently created the universe.

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Angel colon

Monday 2nd July 2007 | 08:46 AM


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