Lunatic out-of-touch judge lets paedophile go free

Mikey 4 comments
  • Legal and Law
Lunatic out-of-touch judge lets paedophile go free

A judge has let a rapist go free because the 10 year old victim didn't look 10. Keith Fenn, 25, has admitted raping the girl twice at a park.

The same judge, Julian Hall, caused outrage earlier this year when he set another paedophile free, saying the he should just buy the 6 year old victim a new bicycle. Justice for all.

Full story.

Update: The Attorney General's office has stepped in to find out why judge Julian Hall handed down a sentence that was "pathetically lenient"

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Wednesday 27th June 2007 | 09:48 PM

I know judges cannot be deposed by government and for good reason. This guy, however, clearly must go.

In fact, I think he should be investigated because anyone with such an attitude towards paedophiles must surely have their own practices called into question?

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Jake Farr-Wharton

Thursday 28th June 2007 | 11:05 AM

Agreed, this judge should be investigated. This is just sickening, the children will have this scar to bear for the rest of their life, a bike does not suffice, castration does and amputation of all limbs does.... masarcistic, though I have 2 young girls and have friends who were molested and one who was raped, it's just not kocher.

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Thursday 28th June 2007 | 12:49 PM

That's on a par with what Orielly said about that teenage boy who was kidnapped and molested for years:

"there was an element here that this kid liked about his circumstances"">

Yeah. The kid was willing to put up with captivity and being molested just so he could miss school. O'Reilly is as in touch with the people as this judge is.

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Saturday 30th June 2007 | 10:26 PM

Survival of the fittest?
Why is it wrong?

Yes I know it is wrong, it was a rhetorical question.

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