iPhone stories dominating tech news sites

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iPhone stories dominating tech news sites

With geeks buzzing over their new iPhones this week it's a pretty safe bet all your favourite tech sites will be flooded with iPhone related stories. I have decided to separate the signal from the noise just a little. Below are some links to several iPhone related stories gathered from the more popular tech sites.


A list of iPhone disappointments
iPhone stress testing - PC World video
iPhone first impressions
Comparative iPhone review,tested vs Treo, BlackBerry, N95, Ocean, LG Prada
iPhone not supported on XP or Vista 64 bit
First iPhones returned in less than 24 hours
iPhone vs Helio Ocean: Ocean wins.


Woman tries to buy all of the iPhones at a store
AT&T Activation Clumsiness hurts iPhone
iPhone Disassembly
iPhone first hands-on and unboxing
iPhone is potty mouth friendly

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Sunday 1st July 2007 | 08:10 PM

FYI the word iphone appears no less than 24 times on the Digg homepage now and nearly 50 times on Engagdet.

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