Mozilla CEO Michell Baker Interviewed

Mikey 2 comments
Mozilla CEO Michell Baker Interviewed

In this 8000 word interview with Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker by APC, one of the most asked questions about the company is asked and answered: How does a company that gives away free software make tens of millions of dollars per year? The answer is here.

Thankfully the questions have been split up into 12 easy to navigate categories. It's an interesting read.


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Wednesday 25th July 2007 | 02:55 PM

I'm sorry... is it just me or has she shaved part of her head so she looks more like the Firefox fox?

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Wednesday 25th July 2007 | 04:09 PM

I thought it was just optical illusion of light and the angle or something, but then I found an">official image on the Mozilla web site press section.

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