Science Guy upsets families with a trivial fact

Mikey 10 comments
Science Guy upsets families with a trivial fact

This one is interesting. Bill Nye, also known as 'The Science Guy', has offended a small group of adults during his presentation.

While discussing global warming, Mars exploration, and energy consumption, the topic of Genesis 1:16 came up which reads: "God made two great lights...the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night..." Nye commented the moon doesn't actually emit any light of it's own, but rather reflect the lights it receives from the sun.

Some people left in a huff at the suggestion, including one woman who yelled 'we believe in god' while walking out with her three children.

Though the offended people were surely in a minority, I find it amazing there are still some people who don't understand or believe such a trivial celestial fact.

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Wednesday 12th September 2007 | 09:54 AM

Geez what strange people!! Do they really think light emits from all that cheese? :p

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Wednesday 12th September 2007 | 10:22 AM

If you look at the back of your fridge, that's really old cheese, not a light bulb! :-p

But seriously, again with the stupidity! Where the f*** do people get this stuff from?

So again here I go: There is a section of the Talmud, the Jewish bible, dating back well over 2000 years, which refers to the Jewish people as like the "light of the moon". Why are they like the light of the moon? Because they don't give off light of their own, but can only reflect the light of the Torah (bible)...

So many of these stupid misunderstandings and petty arguments would never happen if a certain group starting with "C" actually understood any of "their" bible at all...

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Wednesday 12th September 2007 | 07:22 PM

I assume this was in america, this is not all that surprising considering their education system and overwhelming population.

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Thursday 13th September 2007 | 10:28 PM

Yeah, and I have never seen a stupid person from the group starting with the letters "Je" and finishing with letter "w" ever.
To subtle?

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Friday 14th September 2007 | 12:01 AM


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Friday 14th September 2007 | 08:14 AM

Considering that the idiots who walked out of the presentation were obviously fundamentalist christians, your 'subtle' joke holds no substance.

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Friday 14th September 2007 | 02:28 PM

So Jake You have never met stupid Atheists either, then?

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Friday 14th September 2007 | 06:34 PM

Personally, no, I've never met one. Though that is usually because the topic of religion would have to come up in conversation, and considering that an atheist has none, it rarely comes to pass. I really don't know that many, though those I do know have several academic and medical letters behind their name... as such, they are well educated and by my judge, intelligent.

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Monday 3rd December 2007 | 03:40 PM

Here's another interesting tidbit involving religion: Mormons believed up until 1978 that Black people were marked by the devil. It's the same as those narrow-minded Christian walk-outs; blind faith shrouded in stupidity.

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Screeching Alien

Monday 11th February 2008 | 10:11 AM

And I thought it was going to be the atheists who got offended: "Did he just mention GOD on a SCIENCE show?!?"

They sure are a sensitive bunch.

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