Star Trek 11: Zoe Saldana cast as Uhura

Mikey 5 comments
Star Trek 11: Zoe Saldana cast as Uhura

The latest actor to be beamed aboard the upcoming J.J. AbramsStar Trek movie is Zoe Saldana, who is to fill the role of Uhura.

This means nearly all the major roles have been filled with the exception of Kirk, who Abrams is reported to be having difficulty finding the right person for the role.

The other roles filled are by Anton Yelchin (to play Checkov) and Zachary Quinto (to play Spock).

 Star Trek 11

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Monday 24th September 2007 | 10:42 PM

it was rumored that robbiw williams was going to play capt kirk...

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Thursday 28th February 2008 | 05:52 AM

HOPE ! That this is not a COMEDY instead of a
serious SCI-FI DEAL. When will STAR TREK ROGUE

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Jim- Just a Guy

Thursday 28th February 2008 | 10:52 AM

This movie just scare the hell out of me. They are messing with something that consider a national treasure.

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Andrew L.

Sunday 16th March 2008 | 09:32 AM

I welcome the new movie, but I'm wary of it being made now. The Star Trek franchise is dying, the books are no longer selling, very few are being written. All we have to look forward to are rereleases of episoeds with the same old extra features we've already seen a million times.
Maybe this movie will reignight interest in the show, and maybe we'll get a new Enterprise Crew, has anyone wrote about the G yet? What does it look like, who's the captain? I'd give it to either Riker or Janeway :D
I'm just not sure if "Syler" from Heroes will be a good Spock, he sorta looks like him, but I don't know.

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Monday 31st March 2008 | 11:19 PM

It's a dangerous game they play with the franchise. However, you should check out - they've essentially continued the franchise and done quite a good job of it. Different characters play our classic series heroes, but you get used to it after an episode or two. No, not professional actors, but for "fans", they have done an outstanding job. Wait until you see the special effects.

We can only hope paramount and jj abrams have the same care and vision as James @ newvoyages (Phase II) does.

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