Proof of evolution through the Chimp chromosome?

Mikey 19 comments
  • Science
Proof of evolution through the Chimp chromosome?

Arriving in my inbox this morning is a link to an interesting video on a blog called 'God be Gone'. In said video Ken Miller says he can prove our relationship with the chimpanzee and hence proof of evolution.

Furthermore Miller explains how we lost a chromosome during our own evolution. What do you think?

You can see more of .

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Sunday 21st October 2007 | 10:04 PM

So he is a Catholic, obviously accepts Black slavery and the extermination of Jews. Pedophilia by priests and wants all Homosexuals dead. I would never Baptise my children in to that church unless I was a complete hypocrite\moron (hey Jake)
Quote Answers in Genesis-
Professor Miller is a scientist and a believer, who sees religious faith and science as fully compatible—including Darwinian evolution. He has worked to improve the public understanding of evolution, answering challenges such as “intelligent design” and has debated a number of anti-evolutionists. Miller believes it is crucial for America to move past the false assertion that people have to somehow choose between accepting evolution and believing in God.
End Quote

Now we just have to wait on the proof.
Good (slavery/paedophillia/inquisition/homo bashing/Jewish Extermination accepting/blah blah blah) catholic boy, like Jake baptised his child into, Catholicism=
The modern day slut of Christendom
S P E C U L A T I O N does not equal PROOF.

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Monday 22nd October 2007 | 09:06 AM

Gilly, religion means nothing to me, nor does baptism, it was a means to an end, she was baptised to get into a good catholic school. She agreed that the benefits far outweighed the negative stigma.

It really means nothing to either of us, though it apparently matters to you, charlatan.

On the topic of speculation, belief in a god requires a heck of a lot more speculation than understanding a plausable theory.

Which is more important, answers or explaination?

You can tell an intelligent person that the world is flat, give them your reasoning, tell them stories about ships falling off the end of the world and propogate that story having them and everyone else believe it for centuries, even millenia.

If evolution ends up being disproved and another theory takes its place, I'll research it thouroughly and make my own conclusions. What is in the bible though, can't even be regarded as a theory, it has no tangible evidence, no logical reasoning behind the literature, just blind faith.

As the saying goes, when the blind lead the blind, you will always hit a wall. Those with blind faith simply deny the existence of the wall.

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Monday 22nd October 2007 | 12:40 PM

You want your kids in a Catholic school.
Jake you are weak. They will be products of Catholisism, well done fella.

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Monday 22nd October 2007 | 12:51 PM

Having spent most of my schooling in private non-denominational and catholic schools, I feel qualified to completely quell that statement Gillmeister.

The religion class that the students attend as part of the curriculum are very, very tame (I checked these classes before enrolling her). They attend church once a fortnight for an hour, which is a good break from class. Seriously, I couldn't care less if my daughter chooses to take up catholocism as a result, at least then it would be her choice.

At least in her school they openly teach darwinism and evolution, the big bang etc.

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Alter Ego

Tuesday 23rd October 2007 | 07:24 PM

You guys should kiss and make up :P

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Wednesday 24th October 2007 | 12:29 AM

'Proof' is such a speculative word these days isn't it? :-)

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Wednesday 24th October 2007 | 10:52 AM

Funny that Alter Ego, dont think Jake has a moderate bone in his body. Strange fella Jake, I have never met anybody as bigoted and hostile towards people as Jake.
I wonder what causes that hostility?
I wonder what causes that hate?

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Thursday 25th October 2007 | 10:28 AM

I'm pretty sure I could find one, if I tried.

In all seriousness, I'm not hostile, nor do I harbour any hate. I love a good argument though, nothing excites me more, I assume that Gillmeister is the same.

Regardless, I am interested, Gilly; Is your belief in creationism absolute? i.e. do you acknowledge that evolution is a sound theory to explain the origin of our species?

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Thursday 25th October 2007 | 01:09 PM

Sound theory that if proven, I will accept. Biblically it is not supported nor denied.
I am just watching to see what is thrown up.
Creation is not exclusive of evolution. Yet,I have never seen or read anything that supports evolution, that is explaining from nothing to Man.

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Thursday 25th October 2007 | 03:20 PM

That would be because humans, not just man you sexist, are ONE of the results of evolution and was certainly not the first.

Jacob Brownovski's book and television series (cant remember the name) is quite detailed. Darwin's Origin of Species also. Many theories center around a primordial sludge of uber fertile thermo mud being put under immense pressure or being struck by lightning spawning the first single cell organism.

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Alter Ego

Thursday 25th October 2007 | 09:13 PM

Slightly off-topic, but I went and visited Charles Darwin's house the other day.

Very interesting indeed. It is in Kent, England.

I would recommend it to anyone.

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Thursday 25th October 2007 | 09:21 PM

Stop it Jake thats petty
From nothing all the Waaaaay up the evolution scale to man. is that better?
Pressure and lightning, again another unproven theory *yawn*. Whats a quark Jake and can you explain them.
Sexist? Me? Hell yeah! I can live with that.

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Friday 26th October 2007 | 08:16 AM

I'm no scientist, just another enthusiast after explainations over answers.

Evolution is still a more viable theory than an omnipotent being clicking its non existent fingers and bringing the universe into existence.

Here is a philosophy question about something from nothing, who created the god?

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Friday 26th October 2007 | 11:51 AM

Many years ago I realised I could never understand everything.
Where does the universe stop?
When did time start?
Why couldnt Don Bradman score one run on his last outing.
How the Hell do I know. I couldnt even make an answer up.
Some things are beyond even ME (tic)

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Monday 5th November 2007 | 07:25 PM

Chromosome #2 that shows a fusion in the genome between man and ape does not prove evolution. What astonishes me is how scientists can say this proves their point. I mean, don't humans look similar to Apes? Do we not have fingers, hands, nose, eyes and intelligence? Do we not smile? Laugh? Apes and humans alike? I'd like to see the fusion between a banana and a human genome. Evolution is a lie! The fusion in Chromosome #2 means nothing. It just says that we are closely similar, but different and higher in intelligence than apes. It does not say God did not create the ape separate from us by merging the two ape chromosomes into one for humans. That's like saying a dude can't make one ball of clay merge with another ball of clay to create an entirely larger ball of clay which is now ONE. How stupid can people get?

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Thursday 10th April 2008 | 01:23 AM

i love all of yall
god loves you all

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Thursday 28th August 2008 | 10:00 AM response to this comment by Gilly. hey it isn't the Catholic church who did those things, IT WAS PEOPLE IN IT! Don't blame everyone for a few people's serious misshaps.

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Friday 3rd July 2009 | 01:34 AM

Read this article:

humpty dumpty

humpty dumpty

Friday 3rd July 2009 | 09:16 AM
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